Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020

2020 was the year when the distinction between workplace and home got blurred like never before. It has been a rocky journey for all of us, but we finally made it to the end! Thank you to everyone who has supported us and helped us reach greater heights.

screenshot-2020-12-28-at-2.02.44-am Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020

Below is a list of key features developed in 2020:

  1. Integration with Slack and ability to take actions via Slack

We have started with the year end feature deployments. You would now be able to integrate your Qandle with your Slack Account. It means that not only would you receive notifications on Slack, but you would also be able to take actions on Leave, Time and Attendance requests directly from Slack, without the need to login into Qandle.

actions-via-slack Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
  1. Email based Actions

Effective and Over Communication played a vital role in making Work from Home culture a success for organizations. We realised that taking day-to-day actions on Qandle should be streamlined and hence, we developed the feature of Email based actions, which means that you can now take actions directly from your Work Email, without the need to log in to Qandle.

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  1. Increasing employee engagement via Polls and Pulse Surveys

Our major aim in 2020 was to help our clients adapt to dynamic changes in the Work culture, during the tough time of global pandemic. We developed a separate module for our clients which helped them in triggering polls and pulse surveys to the employees and in turn boost employee engagement throughout the organization in order to make adept decisions.

polls-and-ulse-surveys Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
  1. Management of daily Tasks via KANBAN view

 In order to provide and maintain a daily view of allocated tasks between different teams, we developed this module to help you maintain tasks under a KANBAN view, to empower different teams in the organization to incorporate Agile Methodology.

daily-task Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
  1. Productivity Tracker

One of the key and most important functionalities added under the Product suite of Qandle is the ability for the clients to monitor and track the productivity of the employees. Productivity tracker monitors the productive and unproductive hours of the employees, by the categorized processes that run on their system during the shift / work hours.

productivity-tracker Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
    bb Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020

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  1. Integration with Google Calendar

The events captured on Qandle’s calendar can now be synchronized with Google Calendar via an Outbound integration.

google-calendar Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020

That was a quick glimpse of 2020, but we have some exciting developments in store for you for the next 2-3 months:

  1. Off-boarding / On-boarding Tasks and Check-list Module

This module would assist our clients to trigger various tasks for different point of contacts, which are related to employees as a part of on-boarding and off-boarding processes.

on-boarding-tasks Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
  1. Report Builder

This functionality would enable the Central Admins to give access to various reports in the system, to various employees (according to their scope).

report-builder Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
  1. Resume Parser

AI-ML based Resume Parser functionality would assist the Talent Acquisition team of our clients to shortlist sourced candidates for various positions as per the required and smart search functionality for the required parameters.

resume-parser Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020
  1. Integration with Microsoft Teams

Now our clients who use Microsoft Teams would be able to integrate MS Team accounts with Qandle.

microsoft-teams Describing the Journey of Qandle in 2020

We look forward to sharing many more exciting updates in 2021 and hope you remain an integral part of our journey!