Significance of an Effective HR Communication in 2022

HR communication plays a significant role in sustaining company culture, reinforcing the core values while helping build the trust your employees have in the organization. Ultimately, all of these manifest themselves in increased employee engagement, and in the current circumstances with every single person working remotely, effective engagement is imperative. Effective communication aids in keeping the employee motivated and active within a company while at the same time it ensures that employees appreciate and make the most of the company’s HR programs, thus creating a more stimulating and productive workplace.

Effective HR communication has a huge role to play in ensuring business success and even continuity, as it builds strong interpersonal employee relationships, improved employee management, enhanced decision making and encourages innovation.

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Ok, you do need to be consistent with your communication but maybe not THIS consistent!

While communicating with your employees, it works wonders to think of them as an audience at a Theatre production – to ensure the audience embraces the play and engages with the message (believes in the Company Culture) being conveyed without getting the production off track with a lot of unwarranted noise/distraction (loss of productivity or a general feeling of discontentment bubbling under the surface), the actors (you, the HR team) need to grab their attention and hold their interest. HR communication is not only needed to keep your people glued together as a single cohesive unit, establishing effective channels of communication is imperative to convey the critical and complex terms of employment, such as benefit plans, reorganizations and new HR policies. 

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Typically, since such matters tend to be technical, highly perplexing and quite dry, employees mostly do nothing but glance at the paperwork and file it away. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way. We know that technological innovation, especially in the SaaS industry, has made great strides recently and the entirety of the organisation’s information is available to us at the click of a button. We have numerous tools, applications, websites and more to present the information in a way that’s both informative as well as engaging. Bite sized videos, infographics, podcasts, interactive charts – you name it and there’s a solution available.
Effective HR communication not only engages your employees but it also helps in building some much needed trust within the internal machinery and processes of the company. Once the employees start genuinely trusting the company they work for, needless to say, they are extremely likely to push themselves to get the best possible results. 

While you might have been forgiven for thinking that establishing robust communication channels is difficult 5 years ago, that no longer is that case! Giant MNCs and Fortune 500 companies invest a lot in their HR programs with a very specific end goal in mind. While purchasing a software or a tool that aids effective communication can make a lot of difference to the successful execution of such an initiative, what’s absolutely critical is knowing what you need to achieve. Whether it is a quantifiable impact on employee turnover or increasing the employee satisfaction levels, know what you want to achieve before setting out on this path.

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Thinking about specific goals is important but it does not have to be this complicated a task!

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In 2013 a company called Merlin Entertainments took a very important and innovative step to promote their message of a ‘Fun Workplace’. Their HR team launched a campaign called “For the Love of Fun”, wherein they sent boxes to all the company’s team leaders. Inside these boxes was a film that described the concept of fun at work in unique ways which helped their employees see the world of work through a different lens and reminded them to always be on the lookout for ways to have fun within the work environment and bring their personal selves to work.

Innovative ideas like these need for you to be extremely confident of what the company culture is at present, what areas within the culture need improvement (such as engagement or motivation) and setting out extremely clear, achievable goals as mentioned before. After you have defined your goals and have conceptualized a campaign, you should use the medium that suits your message and your employees best. Fortunately, we live in the golden age of Digital Media. There are many outlets to choose from now for communication. From Social Media to Webinars, Townhalls (in-person or virtual) to Podcasts, Newsletters to Virtual Notice Boards, the world is your oyster when it comes to selecting the most relevant communication channel for you.

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Thankfully, you no longer need to rely on endless scrolls of paper to get a point across effectively!

A lot of HRMS products now also have various in-built tools to help you achieve the objective of seamless, contextual communication. At Qandle, we support our clients by providing multiple channels of communication within the product. Our Broadcast feature enables our clients to send out company-wide mails which are fully customizable, push out notifications within the product which act as bite-sized communication employees can easily digest, or put up a persistent notice on the product home page. Of course, we don’t just rest on our laurels! Few more features in our product roadmap include Polls and Surveys, which helps HRs launch quick pulse polls to gauge the company health and understand responses easily through visual graphs.

I get it. You might be digesting a lot of information at once. You might also be wondering if you even need to implement such communication strategies within your company because on the surface, things seem fine and employees seem pretty happy. But in our experience, that’s where assuming things are good leads to a lot of avoidable sour situations down the line. Act fast, speak to your people proactively, gather feedback, communicate new initiatives and updates and ensure your people are always aware of where the company is headed. Effective communication adds that little bit of extra magic to your organization! It’s often the difference between a good and a great company culture!

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