What is a Leave Approval Email

A Leave Approval Email is a formal correspondence sent from a supervisor, manager, or HR department to an employee confirming the approval of their requested time off from work. It serves as an official acknowledgment of the employee's leave request, specifying the approved dates of absence and any conditions or expectations related to the leave period. This email ensures clarity and alignment between the employee and the employer regarding the planned absence, helping to manage workflow and ensure continuity in the workplace. It also acts as a record for both parties, documenting the approved leave dates and any relevant information discussed or agreed upon.

How to Write a Leave Approval Email

Writing a Leave Approval Email involves several key steps to ensure clarity, professionalism, and alignment between the employer and the employee. Here’s a structured approach on how to write a Leave Approval Email:

  • Subject Line: Begin with a clear and concise subject line that indicates the purpose of the email, such as 'Leave Approval for [Employee's Name].'
  • Greeting: Address the employee by name in a respectful and professional manner, such as 'Dear [Employee's Name],' or 'Hello [Employee's Name],'
  • Confirmation of Approval: Clearly state that the leave request has been approved. Mention the specific dates of approved leave, including the start date and end date.
  • Conditions or Expectations (if any): Outline any conditions or expectations associated with the approved leave. This could include reminders to complete pending tasks before the leave starts, instructions on handing over responsibilities, or designating a point of contact for urgent matters during the absence.
  • Offer of Assistance: Express goodwill towards the employee and offer assistance if needed during their absence. This could involve providing contact information or offering support in preparing for the leave.
  • Closing: Close the email on a positive note, reiterating best wishes for their time off and a smooth return to work. Use a professional closing such as 'Best regards,' 'Sincerely,' or 'Yours sincerely,' followed by your full name and job title.
  • Contact Information: Include your contact information at the end of the email in case the employee needs to reach out for further clarification or assistance.
  • Proofread: Before sending, proofread the email to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors, and that all information is accurate and clear.

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Subject: Leave Approval Confirmation

Dear [Employee's Name],

I am pleased to inform you that your leave request from [start date] to [end date] has been approved. Please ensure all pending tasks are completed before your departure. For any urgent matters during your absence, kindly designate a point of contact. Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Your Contact Information]

Leave Approval Email Sample

Sample 1: Standard Leave Approval

Subject: Leave Approval Confirmation

Dear [Employee's Name],

I am writing to inform you that your leave request from [start date] to [end date] has been approved. Please ensure all necessary arrangements are made to cover your responsibilities during your absence. Feel free to reach out if you need assistance. Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Contact Information]

Sample 2: Conditional Leave Approval

Subject: Leave Approval Confirmation

Dear [Employee's Name],

I am pleased to approve your leave from [start date] to [end date]. Please ensure all pending tasks are completed before your departure. Additionally, please prepare a handover document for ongoing projects. For any urgent matters during your absence, please designate [Colleague's Name] as your point of contact.

Best regards,
[Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Contact Information]

Sample 3: Leave Approval with Additional Information

Subject: Leave Approval and Travel Reminder

Dear [Employee's Name],

Your leave request for [start date] to [end date] has been approved. Please be reminded to submit your travel itinerary to HR before your departure. If you have any questions or need assistance with your preparations, feel free to contact me directly.

Enjoy your time off!

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Job Title] [Contact Information]

What to Include in a Leave Approval Email

Confirmation of Approval: Start your email by clearly stating that the employee's leave request has been approved. This provides immediate assurance and removes any uncertainty regarding their leave status.

Justification for Approval: Offer a brief explanation for the approval. Whether it's due to a much-needed vacation, a family event, or personal reasons, sharing the rationale fosters transparency and understanding.

Reminder about the Leave Policy: Include a brief reminder of the company’s leave policy. This should cover notice periods, any required documentation, and any special procedures to follow. This serves as a helpful reference, ensuring employees comply with organizational standards.

Responsibilities Before and During Leave: Outline the tasks the employee needs to complete before their leave begins. This may include finishing ongoing projects, updating colleagues on current tasks, and creating a clear handover plan. Also, mention any responsibilities they might need to handle during their leave, such as checking emails or addressing urgent issues remotely.

Contact Information: Provide the contact details of a colleague or manager whom the employee can contact in case of an emergency during their leave. This ensures ongoing communication and support for the employee while they are away.

Signature: Conclude the email with your digital signature. A signature adds a personal touch and authenticity to the message, reassuring the employee that it is a legitimate communication from the organization.

By including these elements, you provide comprehensive information and guidance to the employee. This approach ensures they are well-prepared for their absence, understand their responsibilities, and contributes to a smoother leave period with minimal disruptions for both the employee and the team.

Leave Approval FAQ with :

Speak to an expert

Submit your leave request through our company's designated system or to your supervisor, following the outlined procedure in the employee handbook.

Leave requests may be denied based on operational requirements, staffing considerations, or if the requested dates conflict with other approved leave within the team.

Contact HR or your supervisor as soon as possible to discuss your extension request. Provide valid reasons and proposed new dates.

Yes, according to company policy, a medical certificate may be required for sick leave exceeding a certain duration, typically more than [X] days.

Depending on company policy, leave may be taken in half-day increments with prior approval from your supervisor and provided it does not disrupt operations.

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