Here is an example of an Employee Performance Review Policy:

Evaluation Process

Employees will receive a performance review on an annual basis, or more frequently as determined by their manager. The review will be conducted by the employee's direct supervisor or manager, and may also include input from other relevant stakeholders.

Performance Criteria

Performance will be evaluated based on clearly defined criteria that are relevant to the employee's job responsibilities and the company's overall goals and objectives. These criteria may include factors such as productivity, quality of work, customer service, teamwork, and adherence to company policies and procedures.

Performance Ratings

Employees will be assigned a performance rating based on their overall performance during the review period. The rating scale will be clearly defined and communicated to employees in advance of the review process.

Feedback and Development

Employees will receive constructive feedback on their performance, including specific areas where they need improvement and recommendations for how to address these areas. The review process will also provide opportunities for employees to discuss their career goals and aspirations, and to receive guidance and support for professional development.

Performance Improvement Plans

In cases where an employee's performance falls below expectations, a performance improvement plan may be developed in consultation with the employee. The plan will outline specific goals, objectives, and actions that the employee needs to take to improve their performance, and will include a timeline for review and evaluation.

Record Keeping

Records of employee performance reviews will be maintained in the employee's personnel file and will be used to inform decisions related to promotions, salary increases, and disciplinary action.

This is just an example, and the specific details of an Employee Performance Review Policy may vary depending on the company's industry, size, and culture. It is important for companies to have a clearly defined policy that is communicated effectively to all employees and regularly reviewed and updated as needed to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.

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