
The purpose of our Employee Referral Program is to encourage our employees to refer qualified candidates for open positions within the company, and to reward them for their efforts.


All current employees are eligible to participate in the Employee Referral Program, except for those who are involved in the hiring process for the position in question.

Referral Process

Employees may refer candidates by submitting their resumes to the HR department or through an online referral portal. The referral must include the candidate's name, contact information, and the position for which they are applying.

Qualifying Candidates

To qualify for the Employee Referral Program, the candidate must meet the job requirements and pass the interview process. The hiring manager will make the final decision on whether or not to hire the candidate.


If the referred candidate is hired and remains employed with the company for at least 90 days, the referring employee will receive a cash bonus or other reward as specified in the Employee Referral Program guidelines. The amount of the reward may vary depending on the position level and other factors.


Employees may not refer themselves or family members for open positions within the company. In addition, employees may not receive a referral bonus if they are involved in the hiring process for the position in question.

Reporting and Accountability

The HR department is responsible for tracking referrals, notifying employees of the status of their referrals, and processing rewards. The Employee Referral Program will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and continued alignment with the company's goals.

This is just an example, and the specific details of an Employee Referral Program policy may vary depending on the company's industry, size, and culture. It is important for companies to have a clearly defined policy that is communicated effectively to all employees and regularly reviewed and updated as needed to ensure continued relevance and effectiveness.

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