Types of Leave

The company recognizes the following types of leave:

Vacation Leave:

Employees are entitled to a certain number of days of paid vacation leave per year, which accrues based on length of service.

Sick Leave:

Employees are entitled to a certain number of days of paid sick leave per year, which accrues based on length of service.

Personal Leave:

Employees may request a certain number of days of unpaid personal leave per year, subject to approval by their supervisor.

Family and Medical Leave:

Employees may be eligible for up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for certain family and medical reasons, as required by law.

Requesting Leave

Employees should request leave in advance, whenever possible, by submitting a request form to their supervisor. The request should include the reason for the leave, the dates of the requested leave, and any other relevant information.

Approval of Leave

Leave requests will be approved or denied based on the operational needs of the company and the availability of resources. Employees will be notified of the status of their request as soon as possible.

Vacation Leave

Employees may take vacation leave after it has been accrued, subject to approval by their supervisor. Unused vacation leave may be carried over to the next year, subject to certain limitations.

Sick Leave

Employees may take sick leave for their own illness or to care for an immediate family member who is ill. Sick leave may not be used for non-medical reasons.

Personal Leave

Employees may request personal leave for personal or family reasons, subject to approval by their supervisor. Personal leave is unpaid, and the employee is responsible for arranging for coverage of their duties during their absence.

Family and Medical Leave

Employees who are eligible for family and medical leave may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for certain family and medical reasons, including the birth or adoption of a child, a serious health condition, or to care for a family member with a serious health condition.

Military Leave

Employees who are members of the military may be entitled to leave under certain circumstances, as required by law.

Bereavement Leave

Employees may be entitled to a certain number of days of paid bereavement leave upon the death of an immediate family member.


The company recognizes certain holidays as paid days off for all employees, subject to operational needs. The holiday schedule will be communicated to all employees in advance.

The Employee Holidays and Leave Policy should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. It should also be communicated to all employees and made available to new employees upon hire.

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