
Digital Documentation

Qandle keeps a history of all changes to an employee’s profile

Digital Documentation Software Dashboard
The best Employee Workflow Management

Approval workflows to avoid misuse

Easily assign workflows to ensure inadvertent changes to sensitive profile fields are prevented


Detailed audit logs

Automatic creation of detailed audit trail with details like who, when, what captured within Qandle

Audit Detailed and Status Check
Check your Past employee records

Past employee records

Maintain records of past employees as per your needs


GDPR compliant

Stay on the right side of law with Qandle’s GDPR compliant record management system

GDPR compliant record management system

Client's speak

I would like to thank Qandle to change the way we look at the Performance Management System, even though we are in the industry for more than 15 years. Now we can use the right platform for our people to measure performance. Great job, thank you. Kiruthika Prasadh, Senior HR Manager, Prochant

How does Qandle help through itsAudit Trail Software?

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Digital Documentation

Qandle helps maintain the digital documentation as it maintains the history of all changes of every employee.

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Approval workflows to avoid misuse

Qandle makes assigning workflow easy as it ensures accidental changes to the prevented sensitive profile fields.

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Detailed audit logs

Qandle automatically captures detailed information like who, when and what in the audit trails.

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Past employee records

Qandle makes it easy to maintain the records of the ex-employees in the system for any urgency.

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GDPR compliant

Qandle's GDPR compliant record management system helps stay on the right side of the law.

Why choose Qandle as yourShift Management System?

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Attendance Management

Qandle’s Attendance Management Software helps to maintain the track record of every employee. It publishes a report individually for the number of absences in a week or a month. It also indicates the number of swaps attempted by an individual.

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Qandle helps track an employee's overtime and extra hours invested. The same gets calculated and paid as compensation without wasting much time for approvals.

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Indicates Trends

Qandle helps to highlight the individual behaviour of the employees based on their number of leaves, holidays applied, over time, and swaps of slots.

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Remote Access

Qandle is a cloud-based HR software that anyone can access anytime from anywhere, making the process convenient and efficient.

Why should you choose Qandle as yourAudit Trail Software?

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Data Repository

Qandle will transform how an organisation manages and tracks employee records and organisation policies. It helps the organisation maintain employee records, store and secure them digitally and maintain a central repository system.

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Documents and Letters

Qandle provides a fully-functional documentation software to manage eLetters and eSignatures in one place.

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Qandle notifies the employees to share information using multiple channels and maintain relevance filters.

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Assets Management

Qandle will help to manage & track employees' assets with ease as it customises allocation rules and maintains hassle-free asset lifecycle management.

What is Audit Trail Software?

An audit trail is a sequence of organised records chronologically cataloguing events or procedures. The audit trail software helps the organisations to provide support documentation of the events and historical history of progression based on a sequence of events to authenticate the security and operational actions or mitigate challenges. However, different industries use different versions of accounting software with an audit trail to meet the compliances for audit investigation and monitor the misuse, hacking, or corruption of information. Audit trail records contain details like date, time, and user information associated with the transaction.

There are three types of audit trails primarily used for different purposes or industries.

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External Audits

The organisations hire professional-chartered accountants to provide their expertise and help the business to plan their investments and expenditures. The externals generally give a more transparent and more credible image of the finance.

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Internal Audits

Compliance, operational, financial, and information technology audits are part of internal audits where cross-trained employees of the different departments were to audit various departments objectively. As a result, it smoothly ensures and completes the processes, protocols, and managerial tasks.

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Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Audits

An IRS audits performed when there are possibilities that an individual or business is not paying the required amount in taxes. This audit ensures the organisation's financial documents match the amounts recorded to the respective tax documents.

What are the components of an Audit Trail Software?

Control Environment

Audit trail in accounting software helps the organisations control the environment by establishing the organisation's administration by determining the tone of an institution. It also influences the control consciousness of the employees. Moreover, departmental heads control the components of internal control by providing discipline and structure, integrity and ethical values, competence, leadership philosophy, and operating style.

Risk Assessment

Audit Trail Software helps to continue the ongoing process of identifying and analysing risk as it is a critical component. The internal control system needs attention and constant focus to manage the necessary action when and where required. The risk can pertain to internal and external factors (such as economic, industry, and regulatory environment changes) and, once identified, must be evaluated immediately.

Information and Communication

The importance of audit trail is to identify, capture and communicate the pertinent information on time as it enables employees to carry out their responsibilities. Proper flow of information and effective communication from the top management is essential to control the duties and maintain the critical communication information upstream.

Monitoring Activities

The audit trail in accounting software helps monitor the internal control system as the process assesses the quality of the system's performance over time. Moreover, constant monitoring of the operations, management, and supervisory activities enhance control system performance quality. It will help report the deficiencies with the serious matters to the top management.

Policies and procedures

Audit trail software helps assist the preconditioned risk assessment, linked at different levels as an organisation can face risks from external and internal sources. This software will help identify and determine the risk in advance and take the necessary steps to manage risks accordingly. The operation's objective relates to performance and financial goals and safeguarding resources against loss. In addition, it pertains to the preparation of reliable financial statements, including preventing fraudulent financial reporting.

Existing Control Activities

The accounting software with audit trail helps to ensure the management's existing control activities (the policies & procedures) to take necessary actions against the risk of the organisation's objectives. Control activities include approvals, authorizations, verifications, reconciliations, reviews of operating performance, security of assets, and segregation of duties.

What are the advantages of having anaudit trail in Accounting Software?

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Audit Trail Software helps set up individual responsibility for the organisations regarding employees and their actions. It restricts both the introduction of incorrect information and unapproved access to data. Further, employees will try to circumvent security policy if they know that their actions are automatically recorded and tied to their identity.

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Intrusion Detection

The audit trail in accounting software is the feature of Intrusion detection, which helps prevent entering the system with unauthorised access. Many policies are obligatory to maintain data privacy to help protect personal information, intellectual property, financial records, etc.

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Other Problem Identification

Audit trails software as online tools help recognize the frequently referred to as immediate auditing. In case of the deemed important application, an organisation can practice quick auditing to check on the status of operational issues, uncommon or suspicious activities, and system errors through real-time monitoring.

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Reconstruction of Events

Audit trails software assess the damage effortlessly by reviewing the organisation activity to identify how, when, and why normal operations terminated. Moreover, visibility in the data will prevent future occurrences of hacking, system failures, outages, or corruption of information and detection of these in advance.