
Access to experts

Qandle's in-house team of experts at your disposal for payroll and compliance queries

Qandle- People Advisory Services
Business Payroll & Advisory Service

Claims and investments verification

Stay worry-free while we verify all employee claims and investment proofs


Returns filing

Outsource compliance activities such as filing PF, ESI, and TDS returns on your behalf to Qandle

Customize and set up payroll Advisory Service
Access to experts Payroll Advisory

Help with Registrations

Help with PF and ESI registration of the company


Salary structure optimization

Suggestions on optimizing payroll structures as a lever of employee engagement

Payroll Advisory helps businesses
Payroll Advisory Solutions

Law changes intimation

Stay abreast with latest changes in payroll and compliance rules

Client's speak

As one of the early adopters of Qandle, we are very happy with how the team has responded to our needs and been nimble in their approach.

That's helped a fast changing organization such as nearbuy.com a lot. We are excited to continue working with the Qandle team and hope to learn from each other. Ankur Warikoo, Co-founder and CEO, Nearbuy.com